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These sites help you learn about gender equality struggles, act to change it, or both.

Resources for Adults

The Combahee River Collective Statement

The Combahee River Collective was a Black Feminist Lesbian organization that was active between 1974 and 1980. This intersectional group was created because there was a sense that both the feminist movement or civil rights movement didn’t reflect the particular needs of Black women and lesbians. (Source)

National Women’s History Alliance

The National Women’s History Alliance, founded in 1980 as a non-profit educational organization, is committed to ensuring women’s history becomes mainstream. The NWHA is a catalyst, promoter of women’s history in K-12, content provider, and creator of a myriad of activities promoting women as leaders and influencers. The NWHA leads both local and national efforts, consults, publishes, distributes, inspires, advises, and networks with a wide variety of institutions and activists in the field. NWHA has a nationwide presence as the number one resource for information and educational material about the unfolding roles of women in American history.

National Women’s History Museum

Founded in 1996, the National Women’s History Museum (NWHM) is an innovative online museum dedicated to uncovering, interpreting, and celebrating women’s diverse contributions to society. A renowned leader in women’s history education, the Museum brings to life the countless untold stories of women throughout history, and serves as a space for all to inspire, experience, collaborate, and amplify women’s impact—past, present, and future. We strive to fundamentally change the way women and girls see their potential and power.

National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE)

The National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE), founded in 1979, is a coalition of women’s and civil rights organizations; labor unions; religious, professional, legal, and educational associations, commissions on women, state and local pay equity coalitions and individuals working to eliminate sex- and race-based wage discrimination and to achieve pay equity.

ThoughtCo’s Women’s History Pages

Learn about the half of history missing from many history books with biographies, articles, timelines and other resources on the women—famous and lesser-known—who have shaped our world.

Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum

Decades in the making, the Smithsonian Institution is building an American Women’s History Museum in our nation’s capital. Women have contributed to America’s most defining moments—times that shaped constitutional rights, yielded scientific breakthroughs, created the symbols of our nation. Yet a diversity of women’s stories has not been widely told. The Smithsonian wants the role of women in American history to be well-known, accurate, acknowledged, and empowering.

Resources for Kids

Resources for Teachers

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