On these pages, WML librarians have cultivated lists of books, movies, podcasts, organizations, and other resourced to help you learn more about African Americans. If you would like to suggest something be added to any of these pages, please email Brad at BMcKenna@WilmLibrary.org

Section of the Town Meeting Mintues for March 3, 1777 when the town freed all the slaves and promised to support those who could not support themselves
On March 3, 1777 the town freed all slaves and also voted to support those who could not support themselves.

Page List

On these pages, WML librarians have cultivated lists of books, movies, podcasts, and other media to assist in the pursuit of an antiracist community, as well as lists of Black-owned businesses to support in the Merrimack Valley and greater Boston area.

Find out the story behind the newest holiday and get recommendations to read more on it

Find reading recommendations to help patrons of all ages become antiracists

Find organizations to support as a way to continue antiracist work

Find podcast recommendations to help patrons of all ages become antiracists

Find recordings of antiracist programs the library held

Find resources as a way to continue antiracist work

Find video recommendations to help patrons of all ages become antiracists

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