About the Friends
The Friends of the Wilmington Memorial Library is a membership-based organization with a mission “to promote public awareness of the library and to provide financial support for services beyond the town’s budget.” Founded in 1997, the Friends of the Library celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 2022 marking a history of dedicated support to the Wilmington Memorial Library.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest Friends news.
How Can I Support the Friends
In keeping with its mission, through the collection of membership fees and other fundraising initiatives, the Friends are able to provide supplemental funds for the Wilmington Memorial Library. The Friends are grateful for the financial support of hundreds of families and people like you which allows us to provide this funding.
If you would like to learn more about becoming a member of the Friends, or to renew an existing membership online, visit our membership page for details.
In addition to collecting membership dues, the Friends raise funds in the following ways:
The Annual Donated Jewelry Sale – Started in 2021, this annual sale held in the Spring is the Friends’ most popular (and shiniest) event!
The Annual Appeal – This year’s Annual Appeal is in support of a new initiative in the Children’s Room!
Book Store Next Door – Managed and operated by Friends volunteers, the Book Store Next Door sells gently used books at bargain prices in a small house “next door” to the library.
Gift Donation Form – This printable form is for donors who wish to donate to the Friends via check.
Online Donation – Donations are accepted via credit card at the donation link, below:
Past Initiatives
Friends of WML provide critical financial support to the library improvements and numerous programs including the following:
- Lectures and concerts throughout the year.
- Annual Summer Reading Program
- STEM and STEAM programs
- Wilmington’s Earth Year Initiative
- Tree Seedling Giveaway
- Children’s Room Exhibit Case
- Peggy Kane Reading Garden
- StoryWalk® at Rotary Park.
- Children’s Room Mural
Homebound Delivery
The Friends of the Library provide a Homebound Delivery services for any Wilmington resident who is temporarily or permanently unable to leave their home due to an illness disability. To request home delivery of library materials, please complete the Homebound Delivery Application.
Executive Board
Meets monthly (September – June)
- President- Terry McDermott
- Vice-President Rachelle Toth
- Membership Chair Michele Chamberlain
- Treasurer Kim Rose
- Bookstore Manager Martha Stevenson
- Recording Secretary Joy Lemay
- Marketing Chairs Rachelle Toth and Vicky McDermott
- Members-At-Large
Alexis Gilbode
Christine Hauray-Gilbert
Ann St. Onge
Jennifer Tierney

Contact the Friends
You may contact the Friends of the Library via email WMLFriends@gmail.com or call the library at (978) 658-2967 for more information.
You can also follow on Facebook and Instagram.