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Ascend is the largest Pan-Asian business professional membership organization in North America. Our mission is to drive workplace and societal impact by developing and elevating all Asian and Pacific Islander (API) business leaders and empowering them to become catalysts for change.

Asian Americans Advancing Justice

Rooted in the dreams of immigrants and inspired by the promise of opportunity, Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC (Advancing Justice | AAJC) advocates for an America in which all Americans can benefit equally from, and contribute to, the American dream. Our mission is to advance the civil and human rights for Asian Americans and to build and promote a fair and equitable society for all. Advancing Justice | AAJC is a national 501 (c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1991 in Washington, D.C.

Asian American Civic Association

The Asian American Civic Association provides limited English speaking and economically disadvantaged people with education, occupational training and social services enabling them to realize lasting economic self-sufficiency. AACA has served and advocated for the needs of immigrants and other economically disadvantaged people since 1967.

Today AACA serves clients from over 125 countries. Focused on economic self-sufficiency and participation in American society, AACA provides a range of services, including English classes, social services, job training, college preparation and a post-graduate retention program.

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund

The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a New York-based national organization founded in 1974, protects and promotes the civil rights of Asian Americans.

Asian American and Pacific Islanders Commission

Established on October 29, 2006, the Massachusetts Asian American Commission (AAC) was a permanent statewide body dedicated to advocating for Asian Americans. With the name change, the Commission’s goal is to recognize and highlight the vital contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to the social, cultural, economic, and political life of the Commonwealth; to identify and address the needs and challenges facing residents of Asian and Pacific Islander ancestry; and to promote the well-being of this dynamic and diverse community, thereby advancing the interests of all who call Massachusetts home.

​Asian Women for Health

​Asian Women for Health (AWFH) is a peer-led, community-based network dedicated to advancing Asian women’s health and wellbeing through education, advocacy, and support. ​We are a diverse group of individuals working together across differences in age, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, socio-economic and educational levels, to address individual, community-wide and systemic barriers that affect Asian women and their loved ones. Hear our stories and support our journeys to healthier lives.

​Boston Asian Youth Essential Service

Goal 1
Provide high quality services and programs so youth are empowered with knowledge, skills, values, resources and opportunities, supportive peer and adult relationships that will enable them to make positive choices, achieve goals, and be contributing members of their family, community and society.

Goal 2
Direct services to youth whose lifestyles, personal and family situations have put them in high-risk situations, and their needs are inadequately met.

Goal 3
Be a well-managed, responsive and accessible organization that offers culturally competent services to meet the needs and interests of targeted youth.

​Chinese Progressive Association

CPA was founded in 1977 out of a series of community organizing campaigns around issues such as Chinese parents’ input into the Boston school desegregation process and organizing for community control over land development in Chinatown. Our membership is made up predominantly of Chinese immigrants and the Chinese-speaking; most are workers in low wage industries, working families, or low-income elderly. CPA has no single issue focus because we believe that people have many concerns–jobs, education, freedom from discrimination, a clean and safe living environment. We have seen that once people achieve their rights in one aspect of their lives, they will be more likely to actively participate in solving other community problems


EPIC was established in 2009 by a group of young Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander (NHPI) leaders who recognized the urgency to address the growing needs of NHPI families. With experiences ranging from grassroots organizing to higher education administration, the founders prioritized building a strong and unified advocacy voice for Pacific Islanders. They set out to accomplish this by collecting and publishing disaggregated data to illustrate the needs of NHPI families; and establishing a pipeline of strong leaders who can be advocates and influencers in, and on behalf of, the community.


Over the 25+ years since Massachusetts Asian + Pacific Islanders (MAP) for Health’s inception, the API community in Boston has grown to comprise nearly 10% of the city’s total population. We continue to provide health counseling and support, referral and screening services, and general health promotion and advocacy for APIs in the Boston metro area and beyond.

National Council of Asian Pacific Americans

The National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), founded in 1996, is a coalition of 38 national Asian Pacific American organizations around the country. Based in Washington D.C., NCAPA serves to represent the interests of the greater Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities and to provide a national voice for AA and NHPI issues..n.

National Federation of Filipino American Associations

NaFFAA envisions a unified Filipino American community that is culturally, economically, and politically empowered and engaged. Its vision is to serve as the voice of all Filipinos and Filipino Americans by uniting, engaging, and empowering diverse individuals and community organizations through leadership development, civic engagement, and national advocacy.

NaFFAA’s mission is to promote the welfare and well-being of Filipino Americans throughout the United States by amplifying their voices, advocating on behalf of their interests, and providing resources to facilitate their empowerment.

National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance

The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance (NQAPIA) is a federation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Asian American, South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander (AAPI) organizations. We seek to build the organizational capacity of local LGBT AAPI groups, develop leadership, promote visibility, educate our community, enhance grassroots organizing, expand collaborations, and challenge anti-LGBTQ bias and racism.

Networking Organization for Vietnamese-Americans

Previously known as Vietnamese-American Community Network at Thăng Long; our nonprofit networking organization strives to bridge the gap for Vietnamese Americans and their communities by acting as an outlet for building connections and resources. In doing so, we hope to foster new opportunities and novel ideas to move our community forward while still preserving our Vietnamese heritage. ​

Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund

SALDEF is a national Sikh American media, policy, and education organization. Our mission is to empower Sikh Americans by building dialogue, deepening understanding, promoting civic and political participation, and upholding social justice and religious freedom for all Americans. We are grounded in our values of optimism (chardi kala), humility (nimrata) and service (seva), inspired by the community (sangat) for the benefit of all (sarbat da bhalla).

South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er

South Asian Amer­i­cans Lead­ing Togeth­er (SAALT) is a nation­al move­ment strat­e­gy and advo­ca­cy orga­ni­za­tion com­mit­ted to racial jus­tice through struc­tur­al change, which means we focus on trans­form­ing insti­tu­tions while lever­ag­ing incre­men­tal change as a means to shift con­di­tions and pow­er.

We do this through fed­er­al pol­i­cy and advo­ca­cy, local and nation­al part­ner­ships, coali­tion build­ing (i.e. NCSO) and strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions. We con­vene ded­i­cat­ed spaces for South Asian orga­ni­za­tions across the coun­try to engage in polit­i­cal edu­ca­tion lead­ing to strate­gies and nar­ra­tives to real­ize our vision.

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