On This Page
These sites help you learn about racism, act to change it, or both.
21 Day Racial Equity Challenge
Inspiration without action is daydreaming.What does it mean to make racial equity a habit? Start the 21-Day Challenge to find out more. Enter your information below to request an invitation to ProHabits, a free tool that will help you #MakeItHappen
This is a Google Doc of various things white people can do about racism in this country. It was compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein in May 2020.
The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and Electoral Justice Project will host the 2020 Black National Convention (BNC) live broadcast. Together, we will ratify a Black political agenda days after the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and ahead of November, when Black voters will play a pivotal role in determining whether we have four more years of domination or a new set of challenges to overcome
Typically, people call the police because they are experiencing or perceive an emergency and need immediate assistance. In order to provide the most effective alternatives to calling the police or 911, unless otherwise indicated, the resources included here are limited to those that offer immediate assistance through emergency or crisis services.
Here you’ll find resources for harassment on the street, online, and in the workplace.
A list of headlines that show the kinds of things white people call the cops on black people for.
Racism is a word that is widely used and yet often carries many different meanings depending on who is using it. If we want to work together effectively for racial justice, and we do, we need to be clear about what racism is, how it operates, and what we can do to end it.
This is my carefully curated list of anti-racism + racial justice minded resources to help all hue-mans in the quest to dismantle racist patriarchy.
Reading is a helpful place to begin but the best way to address racial justice is by doing the inner work. Check out my Spiritual Activism webinars to get started.
Resources to Help Raise Antiracist Kids
The American Academy of Pediatrics
“Parents may better face today’s challenges with an understanding of how racial bias works in children, as well as strategies to help them deal with and react to racial differences.”
“Too often, we “otherize” books and the children we think “should” connect to them. Yet, as Professor Rudine Sims points out, young readers need books to be windows — “…they will see that we can celebrate both our differences and our similarities, because together they are what make us all human. Here are a few ways to step outside of our reading comfort zones into a world rich in stories.”
“EmbraceRace is a multiracial community dedicated to sharing and developing best practices for raising and caring for kids, all kids, in the context of race. We partnered with MomsRising – a transformative multicultural organization of more than a million members working to increase family economic security and end discrimination against women and mothers – to create these tips for our communities. “
“Woke Kindergarten is a global, abolitionist early learning community, creative expanse and consultancy supporting children, families, educators and organizations in their commitment to abolitionist early education and pro-Black liberation.”