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Information services link people with resources to meet informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs. This policy is intended to provide library staff with guidance in providing information service and to inform the public as to the scope of this service.



  • Information requests shall be answered promptly, accurately, efficiently, and courteously.
  • Patrons will be provided service on an equal, nondiscriminatory, and nonjudgmental basis.
  • Information requests will be treated as legitimate unless it becomes clearly apparent that they are otherwise.
  • Transactions between the patron and staff members are confidential.

Types of Assistance Provided

  • Quick Reference
    Staff answers simple informational questions utilizing the library’s resources.
  • Locating Materials
    Staff provides assistance to patrons in using the online public catalog to locate material in the library and/or place it on reserve.
  • Reader’s Advisory
    Staff recommends books to readers by helping them identify their reading preferences.
  • Research and Homework Help
    Staff assists patrons in utilizing library resources and performs limited research to answer inquiries.
  • Downloading
    Staff provides instruction to patrons on how to download e-resources subscribed to by the library.

Type of Assistance not provided because it is deemed beyond the scope of the library’s service responsibilities:

  • Interpretations, advice, or personal recommendations in any area other than the use of library resources. This includes, but is not limited to, legal, medical or tax advice.
  • Critiquing or editing patron documents, including resumes for job seekers.
  • Assisting patrons in completing online forms including making a purchase online.
  • Engaging in extensive research projects on behalf of an individual. The library reserves the right to determine whether the research request is beyond the scope of service.

Tech Help

  • Staff provide general assistance to patrons using the library’s computers and printer service. Patrons using the library’s computers are expected to understand computer basics such as using a mouse and navigating the internet.
  • Patrons needing more in depth technology help may make an appointment for one- on-one technology assistance for up to one hour. Patrons can bring their own device or can utilize the library’s public computers. In order to insure that this tech help is equitably available to all patrons, we ask that no more than two appointments per month be made.
  • Drop-in-tech help is available to assist with less complex computer issues that require 15 -20 minutes of help. The sessions may be limited in time depending on the number of people needing help. Please check library’s website for drop in tech help day and time.
  • Troubleshooting computer hardware problems, running virus scans, installing software, etc. are beyond the scope of the library’s tech help. The library reserves the right to determine whether a patron’s request for tech help is beyond the scope of service.

Approved by the Board of Library Trustees
April 17, 2018


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