Board of Library Trustees Minutes
Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 7 pm

Present: Trustees Joan Grady, Dan Hall, Eileen MacDougall, Jeff Nussbaum, Don Pearson; Library Director Christina Stewart, Administrative Assistant Gloria Corcoran

Absent: Jim Lemay

Eileen MacDougall, Vice Chair, called the meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm

A motion to accept the minutes of December 15, 2015 was made Jeff Nussbaum, seconded by Joan Grady with Dan Hall and Eileen MacDougall abstaining; motion passed.

A motion to accept the December 2015 Financial Report and Library Statistics was made by Joan Grady, seconded by Dan Hall; motion passed.

Library Director’s Report

Tina Stewart reviewed the highlights of the Annual Report 2015 and the Action Plan FY16 update that the Trustees received in their packet.

The first meeting of Pints and Pages, the book group for 20’s and 30’s, met at the Red Heat Tavern in Wilmington on January 7.  Eleven attended.  Most of the attendees were from the Wilmington area and heard about the program through our library.  According to Adult Services Librarian Kim Rowley, the noise at the Red Heat Tavern was not conducive to discussion. Eileen MacDougall recommended investigating Rocco’s Restaurant where there is a small room that may be available.


The new website will go live on or about February 1st.

The Finance Committee will meet at the library on February 11 at 7 pm.  Mrs. Stewart has offered to give committee members a tour of the library. She will present the library’s FY17  budget at 8 pm.

Mrs. Stewart is in the process of completing a survey of building requirements for the Municipal Facilities Study.

Trustees Comments

Jeff Nussbaum showed the trustees his spare hard drive and spoke about cloning computers.

Eileen MacDougall taped an episode of Book Stew highlighting Zoey the reading dog.

All Trustees may not be able to make the February 16th meeting. Those who cannot make that date will let Mrs. Stewart or Jim Lemay know to determine if there will be a quorum.

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:20 made by Joan Grady, seconded by Dan Hall.

Next meeting:     February 16, 7 pm, Banda Room, Library

Submitted by,

Gloria Corcoran

Administrative Assistant


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